A Quick Guide to the Dental Veneers Procedure

If you have teeth that are damaged, discolored, or slightly misaligned, dental veneers can improve the appearance of your smile and boost your confidence. Read on to learn more. Veneers may also increase the strength of weaker teeth that are not already decayed, thanks to the additional support provided by the veneer's ceramic shell.

An overview of dental veneers

Veneers have a more natural appearance than most tooth restoration options. It is easy to confuse them for real teeth. Like a natural tooth, the porcelain reflects light. Veneers are superior to natural enamel in several respects, and natural teeth discolor and wear down, but porcelain does not.

With appropriate maintenance, the new smile will appear just as brilliant as it did the day the veneers were placed, even years after the procedure. The fortunate thing is that veneers do not require much tooth preparation. They have the appearance of real teeth and will not damage the structure of the original teeth.

The procedure for dental veneers

After speaking with a dentist who will determine whether they are a suitable candidate for veneers, patients should be able to begin making the necessary appointments. There are a few stages to the procedure, including taking imprints, creating ceramics, and preparing the teeth.

  1. Consultation: A consultation for x-rays and impressions is the first step in obtaining a set of dental veneers. The dental professional will use this opportunity to sit down with each patient and discuss what they want to achieve with their new veneers. The dentist might also provide a mock-up so patients have an idea of what to expect as far as results

  2. Preparing the teeth for veneers: On the day of their installation, the dentist will remove a small layer of enamel from each tooth to provide room for the veneer to adhere to and not obstruct the patient's bite. After that, a putty mold of the teeth is created. When the mold hardens, it will be sent to a lab where the custom dental veneers will be fabricated.

  3. Veneer placement: While the patient waits for the permanent veneers to be created, temporary veneers are produced and placed. When the permanent ones arrive, the dentist will rub an acidic gel on the surface of each tooth to break down minerals and create a rough surface for the veneer to adhere to. Sealing the veneers in place is fast and includes using a special light to accelerate the hardening process. The porcelain veneers will be glued to the patient's teeth in minutes after they have been placed

In conclusion

When it comes to getting dental veneers, there is almost no downtime, although some people may have little sensitivity to hot and cold food and drink due to the removed enamel. Aside from that, patients will have new white teeth that can endure considerably longer than 10 years with the right maintenance care.

Request an appointment here: https://www.smilesinpa.com or call Jenny Chen Pediatric and Family Dentistry at (610) 400-1588 for an appointment in our West Grove office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Veneers in West Grove, PA.

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Jenny Chen Pediatric and Family Dentistry

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Jenny Chen Pediatric and Family Dentistry

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